Восьмая всероссийская открытая ежегодная конференция
«Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса»
Москва, ИКИ РАН, 15-19 ноября 2010 г.
(Физические основы, методы и технологии мониторинга окружающей среды, природных и антропогенных объектов)
Endmember Decomposition Techhniques from Soil-Vegetation Mixture Reflectance
Kancheva R., Borisova D., Georgiev G.
Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
A basic problem in data processing and interpretation is spectral mixture decomposition. The determination of the endmember fractions (components proportions) of mxed classes is an essential issue in various applications of remotely sensed data. Soil-vegetation land covers are typical examples and most common case of mixed classes and spectral mixtures. Canopy coverage (vegetation fraction) defines, on the one hand, the reflectance of a soil-vegetation mixture and, on the other, it is an important bioindicator of agricultural crop state and growth. As such plant remote sensing monitoring is closely related to vegetation amount estimation.. The actual usefulness of the applied methods depends on their accuracy and prediction reliability. The goal of this paper is to present and compare different techniques for green canopy estimation from multispectral reflectance data.
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